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Black Point Power Station


地點: Hong Kong, 香港

Located in the New Territories region of Hong Kong, Black Point is one of the world’s largest gas-fired combined-cycle power stations with ultra low-sulphur diesel as backup fuel source.

PERI's involvement was to supply formwork suitable to cast the pile cap for foundation to the new Gas Fired Turbine unit and to provide scaffolding with high load-bearing capacity.


  • System that does not interfere with other works on-site
  • Simplicity and efficiency - time-savings


Leighton Asia


  • Savings on erecting time thanks to simple connection between panels
  • Other works could have been carried out without hold-up
  • The trip-free and even working levels of PERI UP provides a very safe working environment
  • Providing a cost-effective solution


  • Design, procurement and supply of 80kN TRIO wall formwork system to the 2,300M3 concrete pour
  • Using large 3300 x 2400 panels and only 4 BFD clamps in height
  • The easy to install PERI UP scaffolding system provides high load-bearing capacity for the project
  • Design and deliver HANDSET Alpha to acheive efficient work flow and superb flexibility
