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Lei Tung Station - Entrance "B" Shaft


地點: Ap Lei Chau, 香港

Entrance shaft to underground station.

  • Concrete lining to excalated shaft
  • 4 No. lift shafts
  • Total Height: 52.47m
  • Total Depth: 40.60m
  • Shaft above ground: 11.87m high, 4 storey structure

Contrcution period: March - September 2015


  • Fast, reliable and trouble-free operation
  • All platforms able to be hydraulically climbed
  • Maximum safety for workers
  • Additional rebar fixing level required on all platforms
  • Ability to complete the tight 7 month programme
  • Simple, efficient stocking procedure for lift shaft internal forms


Leighton - John Holland JV


  • Easy to use with, no skilled labour required
  • Capable of self-climbing, if required

  • Fast and reliable

  • Able to meet the tight programme requirements of 7 months to complete

  • Technical supervisor to ensure fast and reliable start-up


  • RCS-Lss (Lss = Lite single sided)
  • RCS-T (T = Tower)
  • Vario GT 24